Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Meeting Minutes

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Minutes of HFCHSA Meeting July 16, 2012, 6pm at SEAS Dining Room

In attendance were: Krysta Bauer, Shelly Pichler, Liesa Klump, Pam Sullivan, Tim & Tammy Blacke and Paula Foster.

Prayer: Liesa Klump offered an opening prayer.

New members: Tim & Tammy Blacke were introduced. We are very happy to welcome them and their 4 children into our group!

Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting (last year) were approved.

Election: A motion was made by Krysta to maintain the same officers as last year. This motion was seconded by Liesa. Motion passed. Officers will continue to be John, Krysta and Shelly, all remaining in the same capacity as last year.

Officers Report:
• John was absent, but shared his suggestions with Shelly to offer to the group. Mainly that advertising should be actively
  pursued for the upcoming year.
• Shelly's reported concerns on space for the upcoming year and suggestions for this years retreat.
• Krysta reported new blog spot for this years information for the group....hgchsa.blogspot.com. Linked is the
  treasurers report that she submitted.

Discussion on dissolving structured committees ultimately resulted in the need for a retreat planning committee. Shelly and Tim offered to co-chair this committee.
Lead people were assigned to oversee our previous committees. These people will have the opportunity to reqruit help as they see fit. Lead positions are:
Liesa to oversee Spiritual/Adoration
Krysta to schedule Adventures in Learning periods and continue to schedule Moms Breakfasts
Tammy will oversee the Social Committee
Shelly will work on Field Trips
The new plan was presented by Krysta and seconded by Liesa. Motion passed.

Meeting Time:
A motion was raised by Krysta to continue to keep our weekly meeting time to Friday afternoons from 1:30 - 4:30. Liesa seconded the motion. Motion passed.

A new calendar was proposed by Krysta (see blogspot for details). In brief, this change would have us meeting for 24 weeks, with 3 planned field trips and 3 pot luck/Mass opportunities. Paula seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Age Groups:
We discussed our current age groups and decided that those breakdowns served us well last year and should be continued again this year. The breakdowns were Nursery 0-4, Youngers 5-8, Olders 9 +. Motion was raised by Krysta and seconded by Shelly. Motion passed.

Snack Rotation:
Last years snack rotation seemed to work well. We need to be aware that we have children in our group with food allergies. More info on those allergies and suggestions for snacks will be forthcoming. Krysta proposed that we continue with that same rotation again this year. Paula seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Adventures in Learning:
Discussion on the best way to "share the teaching role" resulted in the proposal of a plan in which parents would volunteer for a class/block of time (in weeks) that they will be wiling to teach the class. This is not manditory as not everyone is comfortable teaching. It is manditory that all parents help in some way each Friday though. Krysta offering to keep a schedule of volunteer teachers and the subjects they are willing to teach. She has asked that all parents interested in teaching submit topics they are willing to teach and the # of weeks needed to complete the course they will be offering. Please submit to Krysta asap. This idea was seconded by Paula. Motion passed.

Tim and Shelly volunteered to co-char the committee for this years retreat. Shelly will check with a speaker she knows from the Vandalia, IL area who is a gifted speaker and homeschooling mother of 8. We will also check with Katie to see about grant $s from diocese for the retreat.

Parent Assignments:
This will be determined after Adventures in Learning schedule is established.

General Discussion:
We all agreed that last year was one of our best years thus far and are all excited for the upcoming year!

Other miscellaneous items... Shelly will work on updating our roster and will check inventory.

Respectfully submitted:
Shelly Pichler

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the minutes and thanks to those who attended the meeting! The plans for this year sound excellent. The new web site is really WOW! Thoughts:
    1. Letting us know about food allergies - great idea.

    2. Regular field trips and potlucks - great idea.

    3. Retreat: Maybe we could see if Michael and Mary Poirier are available to provide music? Web site: http://prayerbreaks.org/about-us

    4. I trust we'll hear when dues are established for this year and to whom we should give them?

    5. I want to thank Valerie publically for her heroic teaching of the youngers last year, and I'm glad we're going to divide up that repsonsibility this year.

    Thanks Krysta, Shelly, and John for all you do!!!!
